Saturday, July 25, 2015

Rocking Your World Friday Week 30

It's hard to believe how fast the year is zooming by. It's already mid-summer, but it feels like only yesterday it was spring. It's also Friday again and time to visit with Virginia to share the weekly highlights.

Last weekend Mr R and I moved a lot (did I say a lot--I meant a gargantuan pile) of firewood. He made a commitment to supply an acquaintance with 7 cords of firewood. This is the pile to be moved.

We did get it moved, but as there was only the two of us (it wasn't supposed to be like that, I wasn't even supposed to be there) it took us 9 hours just to get the truck loaded on Saturday. On Sunday morning we delivered it and then did absolutely nothing for the rest of the day. It was a waste of a weekend in my books.

The work week was long and rough, but at least it's over now. And I know that next week will be better because I have a 4 day weekend to look forward to.

I have all sorts of animals at work that come to eat the bread and rolls I leave out for them, but this is the first time I have seen this mama groundhog come join in. 

This made me happy and gave me a smile so I am linking it with Annie for her Friday smiles in hopes it makes someone else smile as well.

Thanks for stopping by and have a great week!



  1. What a gorgeous creature! :)

  2. Oh how exciting to see visitors like that coming to feed on what you've put out for them. Thanks for sharing.
    Annie x

  3. Wow that's a lot of wood to move! Love the ground hog photo we don't have those in the UK they look really sweet

  4. Wow that's a lot of wood to move! Love the ground hog photo we don't have those in the UK they look really sweet

  5. Ahhhh Michelle so cute... or are they, groundhogs - looks like a beaver? Enjoy your 4 day weekend Cheers Robyn


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