Friday, February 26, 2016

Rocking Your World Friday-Week 9

Well, here we are at the end of another week. It's been a pretty good week actually. I seem to have more energy and managed to get some card making done in the evenings.
I'm back at work now (boo, hiss), but since there are bills to be paid that's where I need to be LOL.

It's been a really low-key week with not much going on which has been very nice. Spent the whole weekend at home relaxing and napping when the urge hit. It was quite decadent really.

Mr R and I have been catching up on some of our favorite shows that we recorded this week while eating dinner. Why do they air them after my bedtime??? It seems I'm always in catch up mode.

I mentioned in Wednesday's post (WOYWW 351) that I am joining in the movement to bring birthdays back. Take a look at that post for the details, and if you would like to join in and receive a handmade birthday card from me just send me an email to with your name, address and birthday.

And now I will leave you with a couple of smiles before I hook up with Virginia and Annie, two women who make the world a happier place.

Thanks for stopping by and have a fabulous week!


Wednesday, February 24, 2016


It's good to see there are still friends in the playground at Julia's house. I mentioned in another post that I've been feeling poorly for the last several weeks. It's been a stretch just to get the dishes done and make sure everyone has clean underwear in the dressers, but that is not really doing much for my creative soul. To that end I have decided I need to give myself a kick in the creative rear end and just do something. I have made a few cards, but nothing except what I needed immediately. I think it's time to try and change that, so over the last few days I've made myself sit down at my desk. I have to admit, it's nice being creative, even if it's only for short periods of time.

This is what my desk looked like on Monday night. You can just see hints and peeks of what I was working on over the last couple of days.

And this evening I have this lovely pile of cards.

There's a new movement that has been started by a Shannon West in the USA called "I'm Bringing Birthdays Back" (#imbringingbirthdaysback). Basically her premise is that in our modern, fast-paced world, the computer has become our main way to communicate. Very few people send cards by good old-fashioned snail-mail anymore. Our mailboxes are filled with junk mail and bills. What a happy surprise it is to find a real letter or card in amongst the piles.

In the spirit of this movement, I'm sending out birthday cards to everyone that would like to receive one. Just send me an email with your name, address and birthdate to

Has your birthday already passed? No problem, I'd still like to send you a card because everyone loves to receive happy mail!

If anyone else would like to join in, please do and we can spread mailbox smiles all over the world!

Thanks for stopping by!


Friday, February 19, 2016

Rocking Your World Friday-Week 8

Wow, 8 weeks into the year already. Time has passed me by lately. I've been feeling rather poorly since about the middle of January and there doesn't seem to be an end in sight. As I sit here right now, I don't even have any voice left. I think the family might be enjoying that because I can't tell them what to do! LOL Even poor Mr R is down with a back issue, and the little Gorgeous is a sickie as well. What a sad houseful we are right now.

We celebrated the Gorgeous' second birthday on February 13th. I can't believe she is 2 already. It seems such a short time since she came into our lives. And that evening we attended my D-I-Ls baby shower. Considering she's 8 months along, she looks stunning (admittedly biased opinion LOL). I have to find one of the bump--it's so adorable!

These are definitely my smiles for the week.

Even though I've been off work for a little bit I haven't done an awful lot of card making. I did manage to make the birthday and shower cards and a few others. Not as many as I would have liked though.

That's about all the excitement. Here's to hoping that next week will see me feeling like my normal self again.

For more positives pop on over and visit with Virginia and for some more smiles Annie's door is always open.

Have a wonderful week my friends!
