Friday, February 19, 2016

Rocking Your World Friday-Week 8

Wow, 8 weeks into the year already. Time has passed me by lately. I've been feeling rather poorly since about the middle of January and there doesn't seem to be an end in sight. As I sit here right now, I don't even have any voice left. I think the family might be enjoying that because I can't tell them what to do! LOL Even poor Mr R is down with a back issue, and the little Gorgeous is a sickie as well. What a sad houseful we are right now.

We celebrated the Gorgeous' second birthday on February 13th. I can't believe she is 2 already. It seems such a short time since she came into our lives. And that evening we attended my D-I-Ls baby shower. Considering she's 8 months along, she looks stunning (admittedly biased opinion LOL). I have to find one of the bump--it's so adorable!

These are definitely my smiles for the week.

Even though I've been off work for a little bit I haven't done an awful lot of card making. I did manage to make the birthday and shower cards and a few others. Not as many as I would have liked though.

That's about all the excitement. Here's to hoping that next week will see me feeling like my normal self again.

For more positives pop on over and visit with Virginia and for some more smiles Annie's door is always open.

Have a wonderful week my friends!



  1. Oh you poor thing, sending healing vibes and positive thoughts that you all recover quickly! Loving the photos of gorgeous - 2 already the time really does race along doesn't it!

    the baby shower photo is gorgeous too and your cards are lovely!

    Have a restful weekend and hopefully you'll be feeling back to normal soon.


  2. Gorgeous pics Michelle. They grow up so quickly don't they? I really hope you're all feeling much better very soon.
    Annie x

  3. Hi Michelle a late visit for Friday Smiles from me and do hope by now you are feeling a lot better. Beautiful little gd photos and super cute cards. Have a lovely week Robyn


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