Sunday, March 6, 2016

Rocking Your World Friday-Week 10

Here we are at Friday again. What a mixed bag of a week it's been. Not an awful lot has been going on, but lets see what we can make out of it.

Happily, I seem to be back at 100% which makes work much easier and I've managed to get in some crafty time as well. That definitely adds to the positive side!

On the down side, Mr R's work injury claim for his back was denied by some silly person without even having an examination done. 

Plus side, we managed to get in to see a chiropractor who thinks that it is definitely a work related injury and will be pushing to have the claim put through. He is also working on Mr R's back and it seems to be helping a bit.

Another plus is getting the MRI appointment he's been waiting for, and it only took a month which is quite speedy in reality.

Sadly, on the way home from our first appointment someone rear-ended us on the highway and did some damage to the car. Fortunately it was a very nice gentleman and he will be coming with us to the body shop this weekend to find out how much it will cost and pay the repair bill. On the plus side, neither one of us was injured and cars can be fixed.

Overall it must have been a good week because I'm ending it with a smile on my face. Oh, wait, that might just be because it's Friday and the work week is over! LOL

Don't forget, if you would like to receive a handmade birthday card from me, send me your snail mail details to and I will get one out to you, even if your birthday has already passed.

This is something that really gave me a smile this week. Papa fell asleep on the couch, so the little Gorgeous grabbed her blanket and snuggled up to him and watch cartoons,

I'm off to join up with Virginia and Annie and see what is making others smile this week.

Thanks for stopping by and have a wonderful week!



  1. Ah bless you what a week, hope you are both OK after the accident and hope that the back claim can be resolved - very tricky things backs at the best of times. Loving the photo of Little Miss Georgeous making the most of snuggle and cartoon time!

  2. Hi Michelle. I've only just seen your post sorry. I'm guessing you were later linking's never too late to link, I'm just sorry if I'm later commenting. It's been pretty manic here. I love the photo of the snuggles on the settee....very special. Really glad you weren't hurt in the accident and hope the damage to the car gets sorted quickly for you.
    Annie x


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