Friday, September 27, 2013

Rockin' My World Friday

Well, once again Friday has rolled around. That means it's time to visit Virginia over at Celtic House.

This week has been very quiet on the home front, but quite stressful on the work front, so without further ado, here is what's rocked my world this week.

1. Just the fact that it's finally Friday and I get two whole days off work!

2. My grown son calling and chatting with his Mommy for an hour. Don't usually  chat very much, more like text messages because we're both so busy. Loved this conversation time!

3. Going to bed early and curling up with a good book. I love to read, but I haven't snuggled under the covers and read for a good while.

4. A small pile of new craft magazines. Is it weird to be addicted to the smell of new magzines???

5. A Stampin' Up catalogue filled with blue sticky tabs marking all the new stuff I want to get. (Anyone want to lend me a whole lotta cash?)

That's about it for me. A fairly simple week, but hey, as long as it makes me happy right?

Thanks for stopping by!



  1. Oh there lovely Rocking moments, I'm loving your haul of magazines - fabulous stuff and phone conversations - nothing finer! Hope you have a beautiful and blessed week ahead.


  2. It is always so nice to have a lovely long phone conversation with someone special. Love the magazines...don't they look so inviting. Have a wonderful weekend. Thanks for sharing. Caro x (#5)


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