Wednesday, October 2, 2013


Happy Wednesday fellow WOYWWers!

A few weeks ago (WOYWW 221) I posted a card folio I made for my Mom with some cards for her to send to her brother. This week I made a few more cards to put in it.
I have to admit that I cheated a bit on this weeks desk picture. My desk was such a disgrace from making the cards that I had to tidy it just to take the picture!

As usual, the nature sounds are playing on the Kobo. There are a few cases with projects in progress and a card book I've had for a while and decided to take a look through for no real reason.

To see more desks that are suitably messy crafty hop over  the Julia's at Stamping Ground and take a whirlwind tour of the world.

Thanks for stopping by!



  1. Wow...Those cards are just lovely. Happy crafting #4

  2. Fab cards Michelle, Happy woyww Jill #44

  3. Just show it as it is!!! Can't possibly be worse than mine usually is! Great cards. Hugs. Pam#41

  4. Lovely cards, resist the temptation to tidy, we like to snoop through the rubble!
    Karen #60

  5. The cards are lovely. It makes me smile that you felt the need to tidy, it's so contrary to the way I run my desk I wonder if it makes you hyperventilate when you call at my place?!,

  6. Happy Belated WOYWW. I understand your need to tidy. I prefer to be more organised in my craft room, and it would be if I didn't spend so much time on the internet! Lovely cards. Ali x #52

  7. I know what you mean I hate a mess and usually tidy as I go along .I'm sure I spend more time sorting than crafting !...not this week though love your cards they are all fab have a great week Andrea #38


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