Wednesday, January 21, 2015


Wednesday has come upon us again. That means it's time for Whats on Your Workdesk Wednesday with our hostess Julia over at the Stamping Ground.

I thought since I would be getting home from work early I would have a little bit of me time. Got my kit out and ready to go when I realized that Mr R was out of work socks and sweaters (darn cold weather). Off to the laundry I toddled. Once down there I noticed that there were two baskets of clean clothes to be brought up and put away. Since the baskets also contained sheets, well, why don't I change the linens while I'm at it. Whew, now I need a nice cup of tea and a rest for a few minutes.

Okay, that tea was good. Now lets head back up to the desk. Ugh, just noticed that car crash of a scrap container under my desk. Must do something about that now before my chair ruins them when I push it in. 

Hmmm, it's already 8:00pm and my television show is starting so let's just turn out the light and deal with the scraps and crafting tomorrow.

Thanks for stopping by and have a great night!



  1. This is what happens to me when I am home or people phone or drop in and things are always changing at the last minute. I even try and say that's it I am playing and crafting and I always get interrupted and just down tools and say tomorrow it will happen. I do hope you get some crafting in sometime soon.

    Hugs Eliza & Yoda 35
    Happy WOYWW

  2. What a shame you didn't get a play in there!!! Hopefully soon! :D

    Happy Crafting!
    Jeannie #14

  3. I actually emptied my scraps bag just after Christmas and set too making as many Christmas cards and general cards as possible as it was full to bursting!

  4. Oh Michelle, a true tale indeed. I NEVER get distracted the other way and spend hours at my desk ignoring the domestics!


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