Thursday, January 29, 2015


It's that time again--Wednesday and time to have a nosey around the crafty desks of others. Thanks to Julia at the Stamping Ground for enabling the voyeur in all of us.

I did manage to somewhat tame the somewhat gargantuan scrap pile of last week. Have no fear, it's still there, just momentarily beaten into submission. I'm sure that will change back into chaos in the not too distant future.

*Sigh* I never did manage to get to those cards I planned on playing with. They have been put away for another day. Now I've moved on to my Xmas card of the month. The first Sunday of every month I am posting four cards (all the same design for the sake of ease). I figure that way by the time they need to be mailed out I will have them all done. I have them set up and ready to go so that over the next couple of days when I have a spare moment I can complete one.

Well, I'm off to have a nosey at others desks.

Thanks for stopping by.



  1. Fab stuff, I too have promised to do some Christmas cards each month, I've done loads but have a gut feeling I will need more!

  2. What a good idea to make 4 Christmas cards a month. Unfortunately I have put my Christmas craft stuff away where I can't get at it easily but I must remember that for next year. (to keep some stuff behind for cardmaking)
    Well, the weather here in Spain has been awful. We've had terrible gales with the inevitable intermittent power outs for several days (we live out in the sticks) and of course no internet.... Not able to do any visits, just trying to catch up now.
    Have a good week,


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