Saturday, January 31, 2015

Rocking Your World Friday Week 5

Well, Friday has rolled around again rather quickly and that means that Virginia is looking to see what has made us do the happy dance this week.

I must admit, it's been a fairly quiet week on all fronts. I did manage to tame my scrap bins a little--no more raging, out of control mess.

A couple of late evening returns from work meant a couple of take-out meals--woo hoo, no cooking!

We managed to finish up Alessia's playroom (formerly the dining room) and she is pretty much all moved in and enjoying making a mess.

Happy mail from my SU! upline Maggie Patterson for a head office challenge that our team completed. It's a reusable bag and a trash sack that hooks onto your desk/table. Love the bear on the trash sack--I have that stamp set!

And finally, last Sunday a marathon of one of our fave TV shows, Life Above Zero. I almost never get to see it as I'm already in my jammies in bed when it comes on. It was nice to have caught up on the episodes I missed.

I'll leave you with this picture of Alessia in her playroom watching the snow falling outside which I'm going to like with Annie's Friday Smiles.

Thanks for stopping by and have a great week!


**Sorry for the delay, I planned to get this up when I got home from work last night, but arrived home to an emergency situation. Our furnace quit working and it was only 13C in the house. Just for perspective, it was -10C (-25C with the windchill) outside. Spent the entire evening on the phone with the insurance and repair companies and then huddled in front of the fire while waiting for someone to show up. The furnace motor is terminally ill and needs to be replaced, but he did get it working again until he can get the new motor on Monday.**

Thursday, January 29, 2015


It's that time again--Wednesday and time to have a nosey around the crafty desks of others. Thanks to Julia at the Stamping Ground for enabling the voyeur in all of us.

I did manage to somewhat tame the somewhat gargantuan scrap pile of last week. Have no fear, it's still there, just momentarily beaten into submission. I'm sure that will change back into chaos in the not too distant future.

*Sigh* I never did manage to get to those cards I planned on playing with. They have been put away for another day. Now I've moved on to my Xmas card of the month. The first Sunday of every month I am posting four cards (all the same design for the sake of ease). I figure that way by the time they need to be mailed out I will have them all done. I have them set up and ready to go so that over the next couple of days when I have a spare moment I can complete one.

Well, I'm off to have a nosey at others desks.

Thanks for stopping by.


Friday, January 23, 2015

Rocking Your World Week 4

Once again it is Friday and that means that it's time to link up with Virginia and shout out our positives for the week.

First of was the lovely visit with Mum and Dad who we haven't seen since the end of November. Made Dad happy by fixing his computer so that he could once again Skype with the rellies in Wales.

Next was several days of early finishing at work. It's so nice to get home before it gets dark in the evening.

Another positive this week was really cheap gas prices. Filling up a truck puts a large dent in the wallet, so the more money we can keep in our pockets the better!

Lunch today with an old friend/co-worker I haven't seen in about a year. Had a wonderful time catching up on each others goings on and made another lunch date for next month.

My granddaughter Alessia starting to take her first steps by holding on to the furniture and walking around it. This weekend we will be converting our dining room into a playroom for her as it has a door that can be closed to keep her out of trouble.

And, just because this picture makes me smile I will be linking up with Annie's Friday Smiles. I took this photo on the way to Great Gramma and Grampa's house for visit.

Thanks for stopping by.


Wednesday, January 21, 2015


Wednesday has come upon us again. That means it's time for Whats on Your Workdesk Wednesday with our hostess Julia over at the Stamping Ground.

I thought since I would be getting home from work early I would have a little bit of me time. Got my kit out and ready to go when I realized that Mr R was out of work socks and sweaters (darn cold weather). Off to the laundry I toddled. Once down there I noticed that there were two baskets of clean clothes to be brought up and put away. Since the baskets also contained sheets, well, why don't I change the linens while I'm at it. Whew, now I need a nice cup of tea and a rest for a few minutes.

Okay, that tea was good. Now lets head back up to the desk. Ugh, just noticed that car crash of a scrap container under my desk. Must do something about that now before my chair ruins them when I push it in. 

Hmmm, it's already 8:00pm and my television show is starting so let's just turn out the light and deal with the scraps and crafting tomorrow.

Thanks for stopping by and have a great night!


Monday, January 19, 2015


Here is my second card challenge for the day. This is for Pals Paper Arts.

This time we have a sketch challenge.


And my take on this weeks sketch.

Thanks for stopping by.


CAS 107

Linking up with the CAS challenge for this week.

I love this colour combination and here is my take on it.

Thanks for stopping by.


Saturday, January 17, 2015

Rocking Your World Friday Week 3

Wow, I turned around and it's not even Friday anymore! Oh well, better late than never.

Its been a pretty quiet week for me so not a long list.

First up, being able to do a bit of card making while on my lunch at work. While doing that I was able to see my squirrels that I feed. Whenever I have a loaf of unfinished bread I bring it to work for these little guys. They made out like bandits this week as I cleared out the freezer-burned hot dog and hamburger buns. It's so funny to see them running back and forth to get their goodies.

I also received my Paper Pumpkin kit from Stampin' Up this week. I took a peek and can't wait to actually get in there and make up the adorable treat bags.

On Sunday Mr R and I went out for a lovely dinner to celebrate his birthday. It was at one of our favorite restaurants. I had prime rib which is my favorite meals and it was so yummy!

That's about it for the week so I will leave you with this picture of my grandbaby who just loves her Nan's ball cap.

Off to link up with Virginia at Celtic House.
Thanks for stopping by.


Wednesday, January 14, 2015


Well, here we are at Wednesday again, that day of the week when we can have a snoop around others desk courtesy of Julia at the Stamping Ground.

This week my workdesk is actually my workdesk. A co-worker lost her sister on Tuesday morning and I didn't have a chance to make the card last night so everything came to work with me today so that I could make up the card on my lunch break.

That's all the excitement for me today. Off to finish my work so that I can go home.

Thanks for stopping by.


Sunday, January 11, 2015

Mojo Monday 379

Wow, the second post for today. This one is another challenge card, this time for Mojo Monday.

I'm trying to come up with a Valentine card for Mr R. This might be the one.

Thanks for stopping by.



I have decided to join in on the first challenge for the Pals Paper Arts this year--a colour challenge.


I've seen this little bear around a few times and he's so cute I had to get in on the action. The sentiment just makes me giggle every time I see it.

I love the blendabilities, but so far only have three sets. Just waiting on my SAB order so that I will finally have them all!

I think this little guy will make it into Mr R's cooler tomorrow so he has a surprise when he goes for his lunch.

Thanks for stopping by.


Friday, January 9, 2015

Rocking Your World Friday-Week 2

Wow, here we are already two weeks into 2015. That means it's time to hook up with Virginia at Celtic House and share our happies for the week.

First off, a fairly quiet week at work for the first week back--bliss. This little guy was in the tree outside my office window. He's a little hard to see, but was so pretty with the red on his head. I watched him hop from branch to branch for about 5 minutes.

Next, my grand-daughter for just being so cute and happy all the time. She's getting so big. I can't believe that she's going to be a year old next month. Where does the time go?

Love the pink running shoes!

And my daughter for ordering in dinner for us last night because I didn't feel like cooking. Gotta love that!

Finally Mr R as always, for just being himself. And for making my lunch today. What a nice surprise that was, coming downstairs at 5:30 am all bleary eyed and discovering that everything had been done already. He's definitely a keeper!

Not a huge list this week, but it made the cold gray winter a little brighter.

Thanks for stopping by.


Thursday, January 8, 2015

WOYWW 292 (on Thursday)

Not too sure what happened there, but somehow forgot to get this post done last night. I was walking around thinking it was Tuesday--duh!

Anyhow, I'm sure the Mistress of Desks, Julia, will forgive my tardiness. At least I hope so. If a note from my Mother is required I will be able to provide one. LOL

So, onto what you're really here for. I arrived home from work to find this lovely box waiting for me. After excitedly ripping it open I brought it up to my desk and there it sits. Being a Domestic Goddess I had to make dinner for my loving family and never made it back up to have a good look-see and play (or put away). Not to fear, tonight I shall fix that little problem. If you look closely there seems to be a stray Xmas card still hanging around. Hmmm wonder why that's still there? Also several orange boxes containing kits--meant to do something with those while I was on holiday and that didn't work out too well either.

Off to hook up with Julia at the Stamping Ground.

Thanks for stopping by.


Sunday, January 4, 2015

Planning for Success and Christmas Card of the Month

They say you should start the year as you want to end the year. With that thought in mind, I'm going to try and be more organized with my blogging, menu planning (and by that I mean eating properly to try and lose some weight) and card making.

I downloaded a fab FREE blog planner from My May Sunshine. After printing all the pages to carry me through the year (I added a couple of my own pages too: a yearly calendar, birthday/anniversary calendar, password log and giveaway log--another thing I want to start doing this year) and took it to my local office supply store and had them add durable covers and spiral bind it for me.

My menu planner (again, FREE) came from (love the little owls) and there is also a matching recipe book that goes with. Printed out the number of pages I needed and added a freezer checklist and had this spiral bound as well.

For the card making I'm going to try and enter some weekly challenges, but the thing I think will help the most will be my Christmas Card of the Month which I will post on the first Sunday of each month. I figure if I make four cards a month, by the time December rolls around I will have enough cards for the people I normally send to. And just to make it easy, all four will be the same design. That way I won't get bored of making too many of the same design.

On that note, here is the first card of the series.

The basis for this design came from Connie Stewart and her flash card series. Her video on this card can be found here. Connie is a very talented lady and a Stampin' Up demonstrator like me, only far more established. I only signed up 9 months ago and haven't really done anything business-wise yet. 

Hmmm, maybe that should be one of the goals I set for myself as well...

Thanks for stopping by.


Friday, January 2, 2015

Rocking Your World Friday-Week 1

Well, here we are at the first Friday of the new year. What a year 2014 was. There were ups (the birth of our grandbaby) and downs (having to say goodbye to my bulldog best friend). Mostly things fell into the good category so not too much to complain about.

Christmas morning before everyone else got up--so peaceful.

Found this precious ornament during a last minute trip to the mall on Xmas Eve day.

My little reindeer.

Opening presents with Papa.

Had a wonderful couple of weeks off work, spending lots of time with my family. Christmas with the baby, New Years Eve with my sister-in-law. Several days spent in pj's reading and watching Mr. R play his new video games. Getting some stuff done around the house. And to finish the week off, dinner out before the babes comes home for the weekend.

Off to link up with Virginia at Celtic House and turn in for the night.

Thanks for stopping by.
